Beth McLeod Touched by LeBron James’ Thoughts and Prayers

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The Cleveland Cavaliers lost beloved play-by-play commentator Fred McLeod just before the onset of the 2019-20 regular season.

The death came as a shock to current and former members of the Cavs organization, including former Cavs star LeBron James.

Recently, former Cavs players James, Richard Jefferson and Channing Frye chopped it up during a live stream conversation.

Following the conversation, McLeod’s widow, Beth, took to Twitter to thank James for all the love and support he sent to her family following the tragic death of her husband.

As Beth McLeod indicated in her message, James was scheduled to play in Cleveland late last week.

Sadly, the stoppage of play due to the novel coronavirus has put that game, and all other NBA games, on an indefinite hold. James himself sent a message to the Cavs family, expressing his sadness over the missed opportunity.

Hopefully, the playing of games is able to start back up in the near future.

While it is unclear when James will next play in Cleveland, there is no doubt that he will be welcomed by fans and members of the organization with open arms.

Surely, some of the people that James sees and hugs in his next appearance in Cleveland will be members of the McLeod family.

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Jonathan is a freelance writer, filmmaker, and passionate fan of the NBA. In the past Jonathan has covered politics, entertainment, travel, and more. He is a proud contributor of Cavaliers Nation.